Maupin/Willard Creek Trail - Helena

Willard Creek Trail is a short trail segment which provides access into the Elkhorn Mountains and the area burned in the 1988 Warm Springs Fire. In the winter there is 4.5 km of easiest trail; intermittent grooming. Parking capacity for 6 vehicles.Length: 1.2 milesTrail Begins: Forest Road up Willard CreekTrail Ends: Trail Junction 302Maupin Loop: 2 miles easy travel, good family trail, occasional refreshments at private cabin.Area Map: Helena Forest Visitor Map USGS Map1: ClancyUSGS Map2: Casey PeakTownship 8N; Range 2W; Section 20

Mailing Address
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Street Address
Not Available

Phone: 406-449-5490
Fax: 406-449-5740

Travel south of Helena on I-15 approximately 9 miles to the Clancy Exit, go south on service road to Alhambra then take Forest Road 226 (Warm Springs Road) approximately 6 miles to sign for trailhead.

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Cross-Country Skiing, Hiking, Nature Area, Picnicking, Sightseeing, Wildlife Viewing